2012年9月1日 星期六

Osteoporosis - Brittle Bone Disease - The Causes Treatments and Prevention

Osteoporosis is frequently referred to as brittle bone disease, which simply means that you have thin bones. It is not typically a painful condition however pain is frequently experienced only when you break an infected bone.

Given osteoporosis has no visible symptoms and doesn't present any pain it is more than feasible that you could have this brittle bone disease without knowing it. In the vast majority of cases individuals only discover they have the condition following a relatively minor fall resulting in a spell in hospital with a broken bone.

The condition is typically diagnosed using a special scan called the dexa scan. This type of scan is most effective given ordinary x-rays will not reveal signs of osteoporosis until such time as the disease is in its very advanced stage.

There are several groups of individuals who are a risk of contracting osteoporosis and these factors can include;

1. Being a smoker

2. Taking no weight bearing exercise

3. A family history of osteoporosis

4. Being Caucasian or Asian

5. Experiencing an early menopause

6. Excessive alcohol consumption

7. Taking steroid medication

8. Disproportionate weight to height

9. The removal of your ovaries

10. The cessation of periods of six months or more (excluding pregnancy)

There are in addition to this several medical conditions which make individuals more susceptible to osteoporosis. These include rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid disease and any other condition which affects the ability of the body to absorb nutrients such as calcium which are of course essential for your healthy bones.

To help prevent osteoporosis ensure that you eat a rich diet full of calcium and undertake regular weight bearing exercise such as walking, dancing and jogging. Also try to maintain a healthy body weight and if you smoke, consider giving up now. Do not consume alcohol to excessive levels and avoid any gassy drinks given they interfere with the absorption of the body in terms of calcium.

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